Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Push off the bottom or swim to the surface and proceed shoreward in a trough between waves. Do not fight against the pull of the undertow. Swim with it or perpendicular to it until it loses strength, then swim for shore.

What are you thinking now??

Well, I am not gonna teach you survival techniques at sea, woods, dessert, rocks or any other possible jeopardous space. But I am gonna talk about survival. The survival of human species at the place we are living in this era of climate change. Human species can only survive if the predicament of the city they are living in are survivable.

So, I am gonna talk about….


If you have seen the movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow’, I guess you have a rough idea of what is I am talking about.

Well, I am not gonna discuss what is Global Warming in gross details but I would like to acquaint you with the very basic concept that the amount of green house gases like CO2 are raising, causing global rise in the temperature of the climate. And this global warming is not only increasing the precipitate but also relocating them and as a result a lot of capricious tragedies have been unfolding worldwide in the regions they have not ever been expected to happen.

What are we doing for climate change???

Making green buildings….

But are these Green Buildings sustainable???

And the answer is absolutely NO

They are just more efficient buildings

Making sustainable architecture….

But is this Sustainable Architecture gonna SURVIVE???

And the answer is again NO

Survival is far different from sustainance


There is a MISCONCEPTION that “What all we are making sustainable architecture will lead us to survival.”

In my Dissertation, I’ll try to clear this misconception and tell you how we can actually SURVIVE.

For now, I am leaving you with the following question…

Can a beautiful zero energy house made up materials with ‘low embodied energy’ and using natural resource of energies like photovoltaic and wind energy, located at beach, survive Tsunami ???

Sunday, July 19, 2009


The lines below elucidate the resentment of a person who has been stuck into a place where he never imagined spending five years of his life.

Shall I blame it on myself???

Or this routine,

That I have been stuck in

I just can’t win,

Lost in the dark, expelled from the sheen

Feeling just being weaned,

Having three years spent

With waken nights and no rest,

Trying to get myself aligned

Wondering through the loneliest of mind,

Roaming around Spillout, Oat, Log

Watching alien activities of these hog,

The feelings gone it’s more like a wood

And some says I m doing pretty good,

Just failing to understand the gist

Doing just for the sake of doing it,

Thinking in the melodious chime

Can’t seem to find a good excuse this time,

For me and for this to fall apart

To get a new Euphoric start,

Shall I blame it on myself

Or this routine,

That I have been stuck in

I just can’t win,

I have lost count of how many times

I have tried to get out of this routine,

But it’s holding so tight

I gave up before giving a fight,

I just can’t handle another day of this

I just can’t win,

Get me out, Get me out

Don’t ignore hear this shout ,

Get me out Alive…

Saturday, July 18, 2009


It was a state of comatose or Absoluteness???

An iota of water falls on the cilia and oozes into globules. These globules fall off the eyelashes and drift her angelface and annihilates till it reaches the chin. I was just contemplating her face. I can’t explain her countenance. A bit amazed. A bit confused to conduct her according to the ambience. I was totally influenced by her aura. She was silent and still her eyes were conveying everything. She was saying good bye and I was failing to accept the fact that it was the last time that we were together. There was an eternal force in her which was captivating and tapped out me to break the eye contact. A long period of peace and calm. I was totally mesmerized by her eyes. I wish I could stop the world and just keep looking at her charismatic face for the whole lifetime. It was raining continuously; the smell of the mud was adding flavor to the atmosphere. I was just lost in the miraculous moment, failing to understand whether it was a state of comatose or absoluteness.

There are some milestones in life that a person can never forget, remembering them can bring the whole ambience and emotions attached. That milestone can be some achievement, incident; good or bad, or just a moment which even lasts for fraction of a second. In my case it was moment that I feel each and every instant of life in loneliest of mind. It was the most incredible moment of my life but